Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I walk the creeks.

I love morning walks. the birds are chirping and the sound of water trickling, its so calming.  I can never stay on the paved trails because this is what I would be missing.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring Nashvillian Style

Ahhh... Spring! Besides my constant need to sneeze, its my favorite time of year. Perfect hiking and photography weather,  flowers blooming, birds singing, a sea of bright green slowing covering the land, the smell of fresh cut grass and rain on the hot pavement. People migrating outdoors, restaurants opening up their patios and live bands playing outside. I am so blessed to be living in Nashville, Tennessee. Being able to experience all of these things just within minutes from my house is just, well, awesome! I am so excited to start sharing my adventures of being a wildlife enthusiast, hiker, amateur photographer, and music lover. Obviously, I am no writer, but hey, can't anyone record a journal? God Bless!